Nuove norme sui rifiuti tessili in UE

Textiles: EU Parliament and Council agree on WFD revision

New EU agreement for Textiles

On 18 February, the Council of the EU and the European Parliament reached a political agreement on the revision to the Waste Framework Directive (WFD), focusing on food waste reduction and the creation of new rules for the textile sector.

The Council and Parliament must still confirm the agreement, which was reached following trilogue negotiations between the European co-legislators, before formal adoption.

If adopted, the agreement will establish new extended producer responsibility (EPR) rules across the EU for the textile sector, aiming to reduce waste, encourage more sustainable practices, and prevent the premature disposal of products.

The rules will require textile producers and fashion brands to pay fees to finance the takeback and recycling of used textiles. In future, the fees shall also be modulated based on the circularity and sustainability of their product designs. The ecodesign regulation (ESPR) will set the criteria.

Member states will additionally have the possibility to adjust EPR fees based on the product’s durability and usage lifespan.

To ensure a level playing field, the EPR system will include all companies (regardless of size), with microenterprises given an additional year to comply.

Member States will be required to transpose the new rules into their national legal systems within 20 months after the entry into force of the new Directive.

What are the next steps?

As next steps, the agreement needs to be officially adopted by the European Parliament and Council. A publication of the amending directive in the Official Journal of the European Union is expected before the summer break. Then, it enters into force on the twentieth day following publication.

The next Landbell Group Talk is: Ready for the Future? New EU Regulations for the Fashion Industry – Overview of the Implementation of the EU Textile Strategy.

Register for the webinar here.